Digital Backbone to Drive Operational Efficiency and Decision Intelligence
Implement cutting-edge AI to drive Decision
Intelligence and Next-Generation Automation.
Focus on Sustainable Infrastructure Operations
Reduce Operating Cost of Utilities
Identify cost improvement areas in the utilization of utilities such as energy, water, steam, compressed air, chilled water, etc. Optimize the efficiency of boilers, chillers, compressors, HVAC systems, and DGs
Reduce Downtime of Critical Assets
Increase uptime and reduce maintenance costs by implementing AI-powered predictive insights on vibration and other process data to detect failures in their early stages.
Increase Machine Productivity
Improve machine availability, performance, and quality with advanced data science and golden batch analysis on cost factors, sensor data, operator activities, and quality data.
Manage Sustainability Compliance
A smart platform that helps achieve compliance with environmental, ESG, CO2 footprint, air quality, operator safety, groundwater, effluent discharge, and other regulatory requirements.
Start your Industry 5.0 Journey with I/O Sense
A powerful and flexible IoT platform with a gamut of impact features that are customized and configured to redefine operations and decision intelligence
Connect Anything
Monitor and control assets, analyze data
from various sensors and equipment to draw valuable
Access Multiple Applications
Leverage built-in analytics, features, and AI-powered insights to intelligently manage energy, water, assets and processes.
Grow with I/O Sense
Leverage the flexibility, configurability, and compute modules of I/O Sense to intelligently expand your digital transformation​
Power your Industry 5.0
with I/O Sense
I/O Sense is a powerful software platform that drives digital transformation for enterprises, enabling them to quickly realize their Industry 5.0 vision.
The platform offers a wide range of features for reporting, alerting, visualization, and statistical analytics. It also includes a library of analytical widgets designed for specific use cases to provide insights.
The platform is capable of handling any type and amount of data, making it effective for covering any business case.
The platform is built using cutting-edge technologies to deliver high availability, performance, stability, and flexibility. It can be deployed on-premise, with access control, customization, and an optimized user experience.
Draw Powerful Insights with
I/O DeepSense AI
I/O DeepSense is an AI and Machine learning platform with a portfolio of models designed to enhance decision-making. The platform can be used to:
Identify anomaly in production output using vision analytics
Solve cost optimization problems enabling Golden Batch analysis.
Forecast Demand for smarter decision making for inventory management.
Predict Failures in critical equipment like motors, pumps, steam traps etc.
Recommend ideal production strategy to reduce bottlenecks and inefficiencies.
Seamless Integration with I/O Connect
I/O Connect is a portfolio of industrial protocol connectors, IoT gateways and APIs to enable seamless data acquisition from a variety of data sources. I/O Connect gives flexibility to the customer to implement different architectures for data collection.
Compliant with major industrial protocols such as Profinet, Modbus TCP/RS 485, Bacnet, IEC 61850, HART, OPC UA/DA Ethernet IP, MQTT, etc.
Portfolio of IoT gateway hardware to enable different connectivity like 4G, GPRS, WiFi, LoRaWAN, Ethernet, etc.
API integration with third party systems

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Work with some amazing partners
Start working with Faclon Labs that can provide everything you need to digitize your enterprise.
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